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Whistleblowing Policy 

Edison S.p.A. and its subsidiaries provide the possibility, in compliance with Legislative Decree 24 of 10 March 2023, to employees, shareholders, company personnel, third parties who collaborate with the company (such as freelancers and consultants), to report, also in the form anonymous, unlawful conduct and/or violations, through an online platform that allows you to substantiate the report in a concrete way.

The objective of adopting this tool is to prevent the creation of non-conformities or irregularities within the organization, but also to involve all stakeholders in an activity to combat illegality, through active and responsible participation. Communications relating to commercial activities (e.g. complaints about bills, invoicing, etc.) must, however, be channeled through the customer service tools for the intended purpose.

Without prejudice to the preferential use of the reporting channels made available by Edison, in the cases strictly indicated pursuant to art. 6 of Legislative Decree 24 of 10 March 2023, it is also possible to report to the competent authority on the matter (ANAC).

The reporting path can be accessed via the online platform, suitable for guaranteeing the confidentiality of the identity of the whistleblower using IT methods. The reports are received by the Head of the Internal Audit, Privacy & Ethics Department and by the Head of the 231 Compliance & Ethics Function of the same Department (the "Recipients"), who issue the reporting person with acknowledgment of receipt of the report within seven days from the date of reception; maintain conversations with the whistleblower; follow up on the report and provide feedback within three months from the date of the acknowledgment of receipt of the report.

Alternatively, the report can also be sent by ordinary mail to the following address: Edison S.p.A., Internal Audit, Privacy & Ethics – Whistleblowing Reports, Foro Buonaparte n. 31, 20121 – MILAN.

Furthermore, the whistleblower has the right to choose to make the report orally, with a direct meeting, upon express request forwarded according to the instructions contained in the online platform.

The report is managed in compliance with the principles of confidentiality and the possible identity of the reporter is not disclosed without his consent. Any personal data present is processed in compliance with current privacy legislation and kept for the period of time strictly necessary for the management of the report. If the report is relevant for the purposes of Legislative Decree no. 231/2001 – integrating the same with a violation of Model 231 or of the Code of Ethics and/or one of the criminal offenses envisaged in decree 231 – the Recipients immediately notify the Supervisory Body of the Company. The Supervisory Body, in compliance with the principles of confidentiality and/or anonymity of the whistleblower, will collaborate in the assessment and management of the same.

Often employees or other individuals are in a position to know of nonconformities or irregularities that the company fails to identify in a timely manner, so it is important that it has the ability to verify and possibly correct these anomalies.

The Company protects the whistleblower from threats, retaliation and/or discrimination, as a result of the report made.

During the verification and ascertainment activity of possible unlawful conduct and/or violations, the reported subjects could be involved in this activity, but, in no case, will a sanctioning procedure be initiated against them solely because of the report, in the absence of concrete evidence regarding the content of it. This could possibly take place on the basis of other evidence found and ascertained starting from the report itself.

By clicking on continue, the whistleblower declares that he has read and accepted the contents of the Policy for the use and management of the Whistleblowing tool made available by Edison (the "Whistleblowing Policy" document can be downloaded from this website in pdf format).