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Public lighting

We offer the most advanced technologies for all city lighting requirements

Public lighting

Public lighting

We offer the most advanced technologies for all city lighting requirements

Public lighting

Public lighting

We offer the most advanced technologies for all city lighting requirements

Public lighting

Why choose Edison NEXT for public lighting? 

We deliver energy solutions, regulatory and technological system upgrades. Either directly or through partnerships, we handle routine maintenance and repair work for public lighting and traffic light systems. We also supply artistic lighting systems based on sophisticated designs, ensuring maximum effectiveness in terms of optical performance, durability and efficiency, reducing power consumption by over 50% and containing operating costs. 

Illuminazione pubblica

Our services 

We offer our support to public administrations to ensure the best lighting conditions, factoring in the needs of the public and respect for the environment.  

Efficiency boosting operations
Reduction of energy consumption levels by over 50%
Management and maintenance 
Monitoring by remote control and control room
Reduction of luminous pollution
Safeguarding the environment in line with legislation
Visual comfort and safety
Improvement of lighting quality
Updating of public administrations and citizens on results recorded

Types of lighting 

We offer advanced technology for all cities public lighting necessities. 

Our business models 

Comprehensive combined solutions 

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