Why Edison NEXT?
We never stop asking ourselves questions and looking for the best solutions for our customers and communities. Because change starts with us. Let’s become the energy that changes everything.

Taking care of our customers is our mission
With Edison NEXT, you can take the next step towards producing and using energy in innovative and informed ways. We promote local resources to turn businesses and communities into beacons of innovation for the whole country.
Our commitment to local communities
We take care of the environment, the places we live in and people’s quality of life by putting our know-how at the service of communities.
Who is Edison NEXT?
We are the ideal partner for your ecological transition and decarbonisation journey. We listen to customers’ and communities’ needs and guide their transformation to keep their choices competitive and sustainable over time.
Michelin Italia
Edison NEXT drew up a roadmap enabling Michelin Italia to gradually reduce its CO2 emissions, thus contributing to the company green policy and sustainability objectives.
Iscriviti alla newsletter
What’s NEXT è la nostra newsletter dedicata alla transizione energetica. Ogni due mesi riceverai notizie e approfondimenti su energie rinnovabili, idrogeno, mobilità sostenibile, economia circolare, smart city e tutte le ultime soluzioni per la decarbonizzazione. Condivideremo anche case study, report e webinar per conoscere da vicino le novità del settore.